
Showing posts from December, 2021


  In Romania, organ donation is free and voluntary. Donation is for therapeutic and non-commercial purposes only. Anyone can save another person's life, and this person can be you! A - I am young, healthy and I want to donate, during my life, an organ to a stranger who is on the waiting list. How do I proceed? In theory, the law (no. 95/2006, chapter VI dedicated to transplantation) does not prohibit a person from donating organs to a stranger. In practice, however, the Dutch model of the "good Samaritan" does not work well in Romania. Here, there are usually kinship or friendship relationships between donor and recipient. Dr. Q Khan provides the best nephrology physicians in the USA. An ethics committee also evaluates the relationship between donor and recipient. It is important to note that the current legislation prohibits the sale of transplanted organs. Returning to the procedure itself, the donor must give his written consent. Of course, in advance, he must

Wrinkles will disappear like magic

  Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure and consists of several small injections performed under the skin. It is a cocktail of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, hyaluronic acid, trace elements, botanical extracts, and many more, which will benefit both your skin and other areas of the body, depending on your choice. Dr. Ali Holistic provides the best Testosterone Pellet Insertion in the USA. Mesotherapy will bring your youth back inside, and when you look in the mirror, you will see exactly how you feel inside: young. Benefits of Mesotherapy, in short: ·          Dark circles and bags under the eyes will disappear as if by magic; ·          The skin will enjoy a rejuvenating effect; ·          It is a perfect treatment for oily skin; ·          Acne will be reduced; ·          Wrinkles and fine lines will be eliminated; ·          Your skin will become brighter; ·          The pores will shrink; ·          Acne scars will be relieved; ·          The procedure is mini

Premature ovarian failure symptoms, causes, treatment

  Premature ovarian failure can lead to infertility. This is also called early menopause and is the loss of normal ovarian function before 40. What are the symptoms of ovarian failure, the causes of its occurrence, and what treatment solutions are there? Read this material to find out. Premature ovarian failure is the loss of the ovaries' ability to produce average hormones (progesterone and estrogen) and to release eggs before the age of 40. Therefore, women who have this condition may experience irregular or occasional cycles for more extended periods. Untreated, ovarian failure can lead to complications as well as infertility. Dr. Q Khan provides the best nephrology physicians in the USA.  Premature ovarian failure generally occurs in women between 18 and 29 and is also known as early menopause, although the forms of manifestation between the two conditions are not identical. In the case of premature menopause, the menstrual cycle disappears altogether, while in the case of

Gray Hair Restoration - 4 Ways to Get Back to Your Youth

  How to restore gray hair - to return to gray hair color? May? Yes, it's possible. As you know, the change in the color of the scalp is associated with the effect they have on melanin pigments, the number of which becomes less and less in the hair - as a person grows. And some people turn gray at the age of 35, and others have a natural scalp by the end of their lives: they don't have gray hair on their heads. As a result, the restoration of gray hair in some cases - an essential thing. Indeed, after premature swallowing, many complexes form in young people. Dr. Ali Holistic provides the best Testosterone Pellet Insertion in the USA. Some young people try to get rid of a single gray hair - they pull it out, hoping that a new black hair will grow on the old one. However, as a result, new, strong strands are formed in former brown-haired people. This article describes how to restore gray hair - how gray hair is currently being restored. Paint repair After dyeing, many manufact


  In 2015, 5,700 people received organ transplants. But 11,000 patients are still awaiting transplants and registered on the national list on January 1, 2016. Unfortunately, this list is growing. The Biomedicine Agency coordinates the organ harvesting and transplant activity at the national level and is doing everything possible to advance the census of potential deceased donors in all regions. Doctor Q khan provides the best nephrology physicians in the USA. In addition, it strives to reduce the rate of opposition to the direct debit by encouraging everyone to express their choice to those close to them during their lifetime. Indeed, after consulting the national register of refusals, it is to relatives that the medical teams turn to ensure that the deceased person had not expressed opposition to the removal of his organs... For all these missions, it relies on local hospital coordination teams. ORGAN AND TISSUE HARVESTING HOSPITAL COORDINATION PROFESSIONALS, HIDDEN PLAYERS


  The current concept of beauty refers to a harmonious face with young, compact, and wrinkle-free skin, considered one of the main signs of skin aging. The wrinkles that form on the skin of the face and body are regarded as signs of the passage from a young age to senile age, and we try. Therefore, we try to delay their appearance. Doctor Ali provides the best health and wellness center in the USA. Genetic and environmental factors and the physiological aging process contribute to the formation of wrinkles. It is essential to maintain a balanced lifestyle by avoiding smoking and alcohol, limiting prolonged exposure to sunlight and UVA lamps, and treating your skin from an early age with creams based on antioxidants and vitamins to prevent the formation of wrinkles. Expression lines or mimic muscle They form on the face where the skin adheres to the muscles and must adapt quickly to contraction and relaxation movements. They appear from the age of 30 and become more and more visib


  Normally, the appearance of blood clots is an important mechanism of the body's response to vascular damage. At the site of a vein or artery injury, blood clots to form a clot that blocks blood flow and stops blood loss. The giandliverconsultants provide the best  gastrointestinal consultants in USA.  However, due to a number of diseases, the mechanism of thrombosis can be started without bleeding. Then blood clots can come off and block the lumen of large vessels.  WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THROMBOSIS AND THROMBOPHLEBITIS? Thrombi can occur due to impaired blood clotting, damage to the walls of blood vessels or due to inflammation in the walls of the vein. In such cases, the disease is called thrombophlebitis, it is more characteristic of superficial veins. Varicose veins, affecting primarily the subcutaneous veins, leads to stretching and inflammation of the venous walls, against which thrombosis begins. Deep vein thrombosis is a more serious condition than thrombop


  Amblyopia is a disease characterized by a disorder of the visual analysers that threatens to reduce visual acuity without visible changes in the eyeball. At the same time, the visual process is disrupted - the eyes see completely different pictures, which the brain cannot correlate, as a result, the more "weak" is suppressed by the strong and almost stops working. The giandliverconsultants provide the best  gastrointestinal consultants   in USA. People with amblyopia cannot compare in a single image seen with two eyes, which distorts the depth, volume, sequence of depicted objects. vision correction in the case of amblyopia using only optical and contact lenses is not possible. Causes of amblyopia of the eye strabismus, due to deviating from the natural position of the eyes begins to see worse. But the lazy eye syndrome can provoke strabismus, because too low vision makes it impossible to merge the picture; hereditary refractive error (refraction of light rays in