In Romania, organ donation is free and voluntary. Donation is for therapeutic and non-commercial purposes only. Anyone can save another person's life, and this person can be you!

A - I am young, healthy and I want to donate, during my life, an organ to a stranger who is on the waiting list. How do I proceed?

In theory, the law (no. 95/2006, chapter VI dedicated to transplantation) does not prohibit a person from donating organs to a stranger. In practice, however, the Dutch model of the "good Samaritan" does not work well in Romania. Here, there are usually kinship or friendship relationships between donor and recipient. Dr. Q Khan provides the best nephrology physicians in the USA. An ethics committee also evaluates the relationship between donor and recipient. It is important to note that the current legislation prohibits the sale of transplanted organs.

Returning to the procedure itself, the donor must give his written consent. Of course, in advance, he must be informed by the doctor / social worker / other persons with specialized training about the possible risks and consequences resulting from the act of sampling.

Through this legalized document

 The donor declares that his gesture is a humanitarian act, has a charitable purpose, and is not the object of acts and deeds of reward. The donor can return to the consent until the organ is taken.

The potential donor will then be subjected to a complex set of analyses to determine the degree of compatibility with the recipient. After all medical investigations, the potential donor will meet with a doctor for more information. The documents will then be sent to the transplant center, where they will be analyzed and discussed for a final decision.

The medical team, including those involved in the transplant, decides whether the transplant will be performed or not.

B - I want to donate my healthy organs after death. How do I proceed?

The solution is for the donor to inform his family about his desire to have his organs removed after his death. Thus, the family will accept the sample once the patient enters brain death, explains Gheorghe Tache, president of the Romanian Transplant Association.

If the members refuse to take organs, the doctors will respect their wish, even if the donor had made the donation documents during his lifetime.

C - A family member dies suddenly. How should the family proceed so that the unaffected organs of the deceased are donated?

And in this case, the family's consent is required through a written statement. In this situation, says the president of ATR, when an organ "appears" in the transplant centre, the compatibility elements are already known. Dr. Q Khan provides the best nephrology physicians in the USA.  More patients are called on the list and with good compatibility.

Those with the least chance of survival if they do not have a transplant have priority. Excluded are those with health problems - colds, infections - anything that could endanger their lives during immunosuppression in the first days after transplantation.

Transplantation is the only treatment for end-stage insufficiency of organs such as the liver, lungs, and heart. Also, the transplant is the one that presents the best cost-effectiveness ratio in the case of end-stage renal disease, and it is specified in Directive 2010/53 / EU, which establishes the quality and safety standards regarding the organs intended for transplantation. for colon cancer treatment visit

Mood Disorders

The mood is a relatively persistent emotional state, with fluctuations in-depth, intensity, and duration. Mood disorders are different from normal mood swings in persistence, duration, severity, the presence of other symptoms, and functional disorders.

Bipolar affective disorder (manic depressive psychosis) is a disease characterized by the periodic occurrence of manic or depressive attacks that occur at a certain time interval followed by a remission interval.

• mania has the following symptoms: behavioural disorders (disinhibition, increased energy), mood swings (arousal), decreased ability to concentrate, decreased need for sleep, changes in the form of thinking (greatness), quantitatively exaggerated speech, accelerated and not maybe interrupted (logo free)

• depression is a condition characterized by lack of pleasure, sleep disturbances, fatigue, fear, low self-esteem, sadness, suicidal ideation, decreased good mood

Alarm symptoms that require psychiatric consultation:

• Sad mood, melancholy or depression for a longer period (more than two weeks)

• sleep problems (insomnia or hypersomnia)

Schizophrenia The

Characteristic is the appearance of major psychopathological manifestations, such as hallucinations, delusions, formal thinking disorders, emotional disorders, behavioural disorders, disorganized personality.

Schizophrenia is one of the most severe psychiatric conditions, with serious repercussions for both the patient and the family because it is impossible to predict the course of the disease.

Alarm symptoms that require psychiatric consultation:

• hearing voices when no one is around;

• felt that people would be against him;

• felt that someone was spying on him or plotting against him to harm him;

• Tendency to social isolation;

• Bizarre behaviour.

Brain organic

Disorders are disorders in which brain dysfunctions manifest by memory loss, temporal-spatial disorientation, and behavioural disorders.

Delirium (acute brain syndrome) - is characterized by: disturbance of consciousness, disorientation, inattention, agitation, visual hallucinations, and sleep disorders.

Dementia (chronic brain syndrome) - is a generalized condition of the intellect, memory, and personality without affecting consciousness.

Somatization disorders Somatization - the manifestation of psychological stress through somatic symptoms. It is manifested by: multiple physical changes that an organic disease cannot fully explain. It has symptoms that belong to several systems of the body: digestive. Dr Q Khan provides the best Clinical Consultation in the USA.  Cardiac, respiratory, muscular, skeletal, genital.

Alarm symptoms that require psychiatric consultation:

• Symptoms for which the internist could not find a cause;

• You often feel bad.

Personality disorders

It is manifested by behavioural disorders, impulse control, interpersonal relationships, repeated suicide attempts, mood disorders.


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